Legal notices

Identification data & Contractual relationship

Main office

Rue de Stassart 117/2 de Stassartstraat
1050 Brussels
T : +32 472 811 966
F : +32 2 511 07 00

The lawyers listed under “Team” on this website can operate their practice under the trade name “Euralex Group”, and are a cooperation between lawyers, it being understood that each lawyer is a member of one or more Bar Associations and subject to the rules of their Bar Associations. The use of the word “partner” refers solely to the member’s participation in the cooperation and has no specific legal meaning whatsoever in the sense of company law or any other branch of the law. Some of our lawyers practice their activities through a company. This is the case of Jean-Yves Ph. L. W. Steyt Esq. who practices his activities through Euralex SRL/BV (with company number 0898.747.461) and Happylaw SRL/BV (with company number 0473.614.277).

The contractual relationship client–lawyer exists as between the client and the individual lawyer in the cooperation. Only this lawyer shall be potentially liable towards the client. Each lawyer in the cooperation carries professional liability insurance for any breach of duty or negligence vis-à-vis the client. The liability of any lawyer in the cooperation is limited to the effective payment (minus costs of defense) by the insurer. A higher limit may be agreed upon if expressly so requested by the client and the lawyer’s consent to such higher limit shall derive only from an express confirmation in writing from the lawyer. An insurance certificate is available at first request, with no charge. The relationship with the client is governed by Belgian law (with exclusion of any further reference – renvoi – to the laws of another country through the application of any rule of Private International Law). In case of any dispute, whatever its nature and origin, exclusive jurisdiction is conferred upon the Brussels Courts, to the exclusion of any other court even in the event of a claim for indemnity, to hold harmless or any other claim by a third party, lis pendens, related actions, or any other procedural incident.

The contractual relationship between the client and the individual lawyer is governed by these legal notices, individual agreements (if any) made between the client and the individual lawyer and by the general terms and conditions available on this website. Click here for our general terms and conditions.


The information provided on this website does not constitute any legal or other professional advice and visitors are recommended not to act or take decisions, or to refrain from taking action, on the basis of this information. The data provided on this website may be consulted for personal use only. Using the data in any other form is prohibited.

This website, including this legal notice, is subject to Belgian law. The Belgian courts, and more specifically the Courts of the Judicial District of Brussels, shall have exclusive jurisdiction in the event of any dispute relating to the website.

Identification duty

In accordance with a European and Belgian law, with a view to preventing the use of the financial system for money laundering and financing of terrorism, Belgian law has broadened the identification and notification obligation of unusual transactions to the providing of services by lawyers. As of February 2004, Lawyers are legally obliged to identify their clients and keep proof thereof. This obligation shall apply to any physical persons, legal entities and their representatives.

Privacy policy

We take an uncompromising stand with regard to the highest respect for professional confidentiality. We make sure that the privacy of the visitors of our website is protected.

We gather information and process it in accordance with the Belgian data protection legislation (Act of 8 December 1992). When you visit our website, no data is collected with the exception of the information you voluntarily provide us with when filling in contract forms, application forms or document-trading forms. The data collected in those cases is only used to provide you with the requested information, to contact you at your request or, with your agreement, to trade information with you confidentially. Some information may be saved automatically using cookies – small files saved on your computer’s hard disc when you visit our website. The data thus gathered is anonymous and does not enable us to identify you. You can erase these files at any time. You can also modify your browser’s parameters in order to prevent such files being saved on your hard disc. In both cases, this could slow down the process of browsing on our web site.

You can access your data and modify it by simply sending a request to

Partners of
Euralex Group
reflect the diverse
world we serve
Partners of
Euralex Group
reflect the diverse
world we serve